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年十一月二十六日国务院第十二次常务会议通过,现予 发布,自一九九四年一月一日起施行。
总 理
第一条 在中华人民共和国境内开采本条例规定的矿产品或者生产盐(以下简称开采或者生产应税产品)的单位和个人,为资源税的纳税义务人(以下简称纳税人),应当依照本条例缴纳资源税。
第二条 资源税的税目、税额,依照本条例所附的《资源税税目税额幅度表》及财政部的有关规定执行。
第三条 纳税人具体适用的税额,由财政部商国务院有关部门,根据纳税人所开采或者生产应税产品的资源状况,在规定的税额幅度内确定。
第四条 纳税人开采或者生产不同税目应税产品的,应当分别核算不同税目应税产品的课税数量;未分别核算或者不能准确提供不同税目应税产品的课税数量的,从高适用税额。
第五条 资源税的应纳税额,按照应税产品的课税数量和规定的单位税额计算。应纳税额计算公式:
第六条 资源税的课税数量:
第七条 有下列情形之一的,减征或者免征资源税:
第八条 纳税人的减税、免税项目,应当单独核算课税数量;未单独核算或者不能准确提供课税数量的,不予减税或者免税。
第九条 纳税人销售应税产品,纳税义务发生时间为收讫销售款或者取得索取销售款凭据的当天;自产自用应税产品,纳税义务发生时间为移送使用的当天。
第十条 资源税由税务机关征收。
第十一条 收购未税矿产品的单位为资源税的扣缴义务人。
第十二条 纳税人应纳的资源税,应当向应税产品的开采或者生产所在地主管税务机关缴纳。纳税人在本省、自治区、直辖市范围内开采或者生产应税产品,其纳税地点需要调整的,由省、自治区、直辖市税务机关决定。
第十三条 纳税人的纳税期限为一日、三日、五日、十日、十五日或者一个月,由主管税务机关根据实际情况具体核定。不能按固定期限计算纳税的,可以按次计算纳税。
第十四条 资源税的征收管理,依照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》及本条例有关规定执行。
第十五条 本条例由财政部负责解释,实施细则由财政部制定。
第十六条 本条例自一九九四年一月一日起施行。一九八四年九月十八日国务院发布的《中华人民共和国资源税条例(草案)》、《中华人民共和国盐税条例(草案)》同时废止。

附: 资源税税目税额幅度表
税 目 税 额 幅 度
一、原 油 8—30 元/吨
二、天 然 气 2—15 元/千立方米
三、煤 炭 0.3—5 元/吨
四、其他非金属矿原矿 0.5—20 元/吨或者立方米
五、黑色金属矿原矿 2—30 元/吨
六、有色金属矿原矿 0.4—30 元/吨
七、固体盐 10—60 元/吨
液体盐 2—10 元/吨


(State Council: 13 December 1993)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
All units and individuals engaged in the exploitation of mineral
products as prescribed in these Regulations or production of salt within
the territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to
as `exploiting or producing taxable products') are taxpayers of Resource
Tax (hereinafter referred to as `taxpayers') and shall pay Resource Tax in
accordance with these Regulations.
Article 2
The taxable items and tax amounts of Resource tax shall be determined
in accordance with the Table)> attached to these Regulations as well as the relevant stipulations
of the Ministry of Finance.
Any adjustments to the taxable items and tax amount range shall be
determined by the State Council.
Article 3
The specific tax amount applicable to taxpayers shall be determined.
within a prescribed tax amount range, by the Ministry of Finance in
consultation with the relevant departments of the State Council in
accordance with the resource situation of the taxable products exploited
or produced by taxpayers.
Article 4
Taxpayers exploiting or producing taxable products under different
taxable items. The assessable volume of the taxable products under
different taxable items shall be accounted for separately. If the
assessable volume of the taxable products under different taxable items
has not been accounted for separately or cannot be accurately provided,
the higher tax amount shall apply.
Article 5
The tax payable for Resource Tax shall be computed in accordance with
the assessable volume of the taxable products and the prescribed unit tax
amount. The formula for computing the tax payable is as follows:
Tax payable = Assessable volume x Unit tax amount
Article 6
The assessable volume of Resource Tax is as follows:
(1) For taxpayers exploiting or producing taxable products for
sale, the sales volume shall be the assessable volume.
(2) For taxpayers exploiting or producing taxable products for own
use, the self-used volume shall be the assessable volume.
Article 7
Resource Tax shall be reduced or exempt under any one of the
following circumstances:
(1) Crude oil used for heating or repairing wells in the course of
exploiting crude oil shall be exempt.
(2) For taxpayers sustaining huge losses due to such reasons as
accidents or natural disasters in the course of exploiting or producing
taxable products, tax reduction or exemption shall be determined at the
discretion of the People's governments of the provinces, autonomous
regions or municipalities directly under the central government.
(3) Other tax reduction or exemption items as stipulated by the State
Article 8
The assessable volume of the tax reduced or exempt items of the
taxpayer shall be accounted for separately. If the assessable volume has
not been accounted for separately or cannot be accurately provided, no
reduction or exemption shall be granted.
Article 9
For taxpayers selling taxable products, the time at which the tax
liability arises shall be the day on which the sales sum is received or
documented evidence of right to collect the sales sum is obtained. For
self-produced taxable products for own use, the time at which the tax
liability arises shall be the day on which the products are removed for
Article 10
Resource Tax shall be collected by the tax authorities.
Article 11
The units purchasing untaxed mineral products shall be the Resource
Tax withholding agent.
Article 12
The Resource Tax payable by taxpayers shall be paid to the local
competent tax authorities where the taxable products are exploited or
produced. For taxpayers exploiting or producing taxable products within
the boundaries of their own provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, any adjustments in the tax payment location shall be
determined by the tax authorities of the provinces, autonomous regions and
Article 13
The assessable period for taxpayers shall be one day, three days,
five days, ten days, fifteen days or one month to be determined by the
competent tax authorities according to the actual circumstances; tax that
cannot be assessed in regular periods may be assessed on a
transaction-by-transaction basis.
Taxpayers that adopt one month as an assessable period shall report
and pay tax within ten days following the end of the period. If an
assessable period of one day, three days, five days, ten days or fifteen
days is adopted, the tax shall be prepaid within five days following the
end of the period and a monthly return shall be filed with any balance of
tax due settled within ten days from the first day of the following month.
The tax payment deadlines for withholding agents shall be determined
with reference to the stipulations of the above two paragraphs.
Article 14
The collection and administration of Resource Tax shall be conducted
in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Republic of China on Tax Collection and Administration> and these
Article 15
The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation
of these Regulations and for the formulation of the Detailed Rules and
Regulations for the implementation of these Regulations.
Article 16
These Regulations shall come into effect from January, 1, 1994. The
promulgated by the State Council on September 18, 1984 shall be repealed
on the same date.

Items Tax Amount Range
1. Crude oil 8-30 yuan/ton
2. Natural gas 2-15 yuan/1000 cubic metres
3. Coal 0.3-5 yuan/ton
4. Other non-metal ores 0.5-20 yuan/ton or one cubic metre
5. Ferrous metal ores 2-30 yuan/ton
6. Non-ferrous metal ores 0.4-30 yuan/ton
7. Salt
Solid salt 10-60 yuan/ton
Liquid salt 2-10 yuan/ton



表一 (单位:件)


年度 收案 结
案 结收
案比 其中
实际执结 和解执结 终结本次
执行程序 终结执行 中止执行 其他
数量 占结
案比 数量 占结
案比 数量 占结
案比 数量 占结
案比 数量 占结
案比 数量 占结
2007年 655 552 84% 232 42% 116 21% 104 19% 38 7% 46 8% 16 3%
2008年 571 487 85% 219 45% 112 23% 102 21% 43 9% — — 11 2%
2009年 440 394 90% 205 52% 98 25% 39 10% 32 8% — — 20 5%

表二 (单位:万元)

年度 收案
标的 结

标的 结收
案标的比 其中
实际执结 和解执结 终结本次
执行程序 终结执行 中止执行 其他
数量 占结
案比 数量 占结
案比 数量 占结
案比 数量 占结
案比 数量 占结




第一条 为加强本市中外合资、合作经营企业合同、章程的审批管理,简化审批程序,根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》,结合本市情况,制定本规定。

第二条 青岛市对外经济贸易委员会(以下简称市经贸委)是本市中外合资、合作经营企业合同,章程的审批主管机关。

第三条 中外合资、合作经营企业合同、章程(以下简程合同、章程)的起草和签订,应依据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》及其《实施条例》、《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》及其他有关规定和经批准的项目可行性研究报告。

第四条 向审批机构报送合同、章程时,应同时报送下列文件、证件:

第五条 审批合同、章程应重点审查以下内容:

第六条 审批机构在第四条所列文件资料齐全之日起二十日内,按审批权限决定是否批准或报国家对外经济贸易部审批。

第七条 中外合资、合作经营企业领到批准证书后,应在三十日内到市工商行政管理局办理注册登记(经济技术开发区内的中外合资、合作经营企业到开发区工商行政管理分局办理),领取营业执照。

第八条 中外合资、合作经营企业在经营期内,其投资总额、注册资本、经营范围、合营对象、董事会的组成、法定地址等合同、章程的重要内容变更,应经原审批机构审批,并到原注册登记的工商行政管理局办理变更登记。

第九条 中外合资、合作经营企业各方如同意延长合营期限,应在合营期满前一百八十日,向审批机构报送由合资、合作各方授权代表签署的延长合营期限的申请书。审批机构自接到申请书之日起三十日内按审批权限予以批复或转报国家对外经济贸易部。

第十条 中外合资、合作经营企业经营期满,或在经营期内出现法律或合同、章程规定的解散原因,需要解散时,应由企业董事会提出解散申请书,报原审批机构批准,并到原登记机关办理注销登记。

第十一条 香港、澳门、台湾地区的公司、企业、其他经济组织或个人在本市投资举办合资、合作经营企业,其合同、章程审批,参照本规定办理。

第十二条 本规定具体执行中的问题,由市经贸委负责解释。

第十三条 本规定自公布之日起施行。
